The Meat Cave

Making a website is hard work

2023/6/6 -- I've been spending the last couple of days trying my best to make a website, and goddamn it is hard work. I even took the easy route and used a ui app (Nicepage) to make the world's most boring website, and it still took more than a couple hours to get everything dialed in. It's pretty obvious in hindsight, but I have newfound respect for web devs. So far, I've made the basic page layout and the homepage (kinda), but I need to dial it all in and make it look alright. I don't even like fancy uis or anything. In fact, I prefer simple, minimalist page layouts, but it is nonetheless hard work getting everything to center right and have some nice fonts that don't look completely stock. Once everything is finished, I'd like to start filling up my archive with the interesting websites I've found. The archive, and this whole site really, serves as a way for me to remember what I've found on the internet. I have memory issues, so it'll do me a lot of good to have it all written down.